• Contact us and learn more | 078 306 668 (08:00 - 18:00)



The Idila-Terzieva nursing home has 38 rooms and 5 apartments, all equipped with TV receiver, individual toilet with shower, SOS calling system, cable TV and wireless internet.

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Medical care

Ensuring the vitality and happiness of our elderly residents is at the core of our mission. We prioritize their health by closely monitoring key medical indicators to catch any concerns early.

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Physical Therapy

Embracing an active lifestyle is the cornerstone of lifelong health, and we’re passionate about supporting our elderly residents in staying active and vibrant. As we age, the ability to exercise safely and effectively naturally diminishes, which is why we prioritize physical therapy at our nursing home.

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Care and hospitality

We take a personalized approach to care, valuing the uniqueness of each individual. Our residents are encouraged to share their preferences and lifestyle choices, guiding us in tailoring our services to meet their needs and desires.

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Activities and events

Research underscores that feelings of loneliness, boredom, and monotony can significantly impact the happiness of older individuals. At Idila-Terzieva, we’ve made it our mission to combat these adversaries head-on. In our nurturing environment, loneliness becomes a thing of the past, and boredom is banished from your vocabulary.

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Healthy aging

At Idila-Terzieva nursing home, we prioritize physical activity to ensure the vitality of our residents. That’s why we offer daily fitness classes and gentle exercises tailored specifically to the needs of older individuals.

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