• Contact us and learn more | 078 306 668 (08:00 - 18:00)

Care and hospitality


At our facility, we prioritize the well-being and happiness of our elderly residents, ensuring they enjoy their retirement years to the fullest. With a dedicated and friendly team, we go above and beyond to provide exceptional service, because we believe that your happiness and comfort are our utmost responsibility.

We take a personalized approach to care, valuing the uniqueness of each individual. Our residents are encouraged to share their preferences and lifestyle choices, guiding us in tailoring our services to meet their needs and desires.

Mealtimes at Idila-Terzieva are a delight, with three delicious home-cooked meals served daily. In between, residents are treated to a selection of teas, coffees, cookies, and fruits for snacks. Our skilled chefs, in collaboration with experienced nutritionists, craft menus that balance taste and nutrition, ensuring every meal is a culinary adventure.



We cherish the input of our residents, always listening to their requests for specific dishes or treats. And when the weather allows, our picturesque garden becomes the perfect setting for shared picnics, with our chefs firing up the grill to serve fresh, high-quality delights, creating cherished memories under the spring sun.

At Idila-Terzieva, we’re committed to exceeding your expectations, ensuring that every aspect of your experience with us is filled with joy, warmth, and delicious moments to savor.